
Saved by Faith and Hospitality is unavailable, but you can change that!

Too few Christians today, says Joshua Jipp, understand hospitality to strangers and the marginalized as an essential part of the church’s identity. In this book Jipp argues that God’s relationship to his people is fundamentally an act of hospitality to strangers, and that divine and human hospitality together are thus at the very heart of Christian faith. Jipp first provides a thorough...

First, Jesus’s ministry enacts the Lord God’s hospitality. Jesus declares that “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me” (4:18a) and that his ministry is “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s welcome” (4:19). The phrase “Spirit of the Lord” refers to God’s Spirit, and the second phrase (in 4:19) is a quotation of Isaiah 61:2a, so no doubt the primary referent of “Lord” is the God of Israel. Jesus’s ministry, then, is both empowered by God’s Spirit and a manifestation of God’s welcome.6 In other words, “the
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